Jouzour Loubnan Mission_Plantation Forest Sites Chabrouh Lebanon

Our mission is to participate in the restoration of Lebanese woodlands and agricultural lands, by implementing sustainable reforestation and agroforestry practices.


Our Goals

Jouzour Loubnan Goals_Plantation Trees and Forests Lebanon (1)

Plant towards sustainable forests

  • Restore degraded forest ecosystems.

  • Contribute to the development of the Green Corridor.

  • Foster urban forests and agroforestry.

  • Create and share new and good forestry practices through research & development.

Jouzour Loubnan Goals_Plantation Trees and Forests Lebanon (2)

Engage the Lebanese in reforestation

  • Raise awareness on the importance of forests and biodiversity.

  • Involve local communities in the protection and management of our planted forests.

  • Encourage Lebanese residents and diaspora to support reforestation.

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Planter des arbres, OUI. Mais la priorité est à la sauvegarde des forêts naturelles.
Planter des arbres, OUI. Mais pas n’importe où!
Planter des arbres, OUI. Mais pas n’importe lesquels!
Planter des arbres est aujourd’hui à la portée de tout le monde.
— Pr. Magda Bou Dagher Kharrat.